Lava is a great facilitator of “The Work”.

Her knowledge and understanding of “The Work” was extremely valuable to me. Lava was accessible, answered questions and explained with personal examples which helped me to understand the process. I appreciated the smallness of the group; I was able to open up and connect with myself and others. I feel I now have a practice that I can begin to guide me to a happier and more fulfilling life. Thank you.

I loved Lava’s gentle, nonjudgmental approach to facilitation.

She really helped me find and name (which I have struggled with on my own) what I was looking for. Her intuitive ability to weave together all the living inquiries has been invaluable in my experience of this work. She is a first-rate guide. Thanks so much, Lava.

THANK YOU for all these years of working one-on-one with me.

Thank you for your ability and willingness to “hold the neutral space” that I feel The Work requires that allows ME to do my work without having to worry about what you are thinking. I can actually feel your relaxed acceptance of all and everything. What a relief. Thank you for your amazing ability to be still, centered and fully attentive to what I am saying. Thank you for graciously keeping me “on topic” when fear makes me want to wander off. As I watch you do your own work, you show me the deeper possibilities The Work holds. In short, many thanks for many things.

I have experienced the Work through one on one sessions and workshops with Lava.

She always amazed me with her clarity and assertiveness to keep me from getting lost in my stories.

Her timing of inviting a thought of her own into inquiry has more than once helped me to resolve a belief sentence. She has definitely contributed to my desire of keeping the Work alive in my daily life and I can’t wait to do more inquires with her.

It’s no coincidence, today’s inquiry with you brought such a sense of calm and peace.

While coming in somewhat over focused on the “need to make the right (business) decision”, your commitment to the Living Inquiries protocol, released the associated anxiety and struggle in such a natural way, replacing ineffective “pros and cons” agony, fear of regret and fear of making the wrong decision with clarity.  What an experience it was to watch fears, struggle and compulsions just melt away.

LI and KI sessions with you provide not only instant relief but also lasting shift in how I literally “view” the world, without particular attachment to concepts and thoughts, feelings and body sensations or charged images. I appreciate your consistency of not providing advice, and allowing the process simply unfold with such impactful results.

I value the variety of life and professional experiences you bring to the table.  This includes but is not limited to your experience with The Work as well as a variety of healing approaches.  I know all of these contribute to the unique experience you provide your clients with.  Thank you!  With much gratitude.

After a 10 month struggle with debilitating clinical depression I was truly blessed to have been introduced to “The Work” by Lava.

Lava in her direct, no-nonsense yet gentle, perceptive manner thoughtfully and respectfully helped us each and as a group delve into the process; a process which may, as recent brain research suggests, help rearrange our brains so as to diminish the impact of our non-productive thoughts as well as reduce the virulence of both mood and mental disorders. Lava created a relaxed, sharing and optimistic environment, often using herself and her personal “inquiries” as a tool that allowed each in the group to be open, warm, respectful and patient with ourselves and the group. With her help and guidance, I am learning to incorporate “The Work” into a useful whole. “The Work” and Lava have provided me with the gift of a most valuable “life” tool.

Für mich war die Arbeit mit Lava sehr bereichernd. Ihre authentische Art fand ich faszinierend.
Ich habe sie als klar und wertschätzend erlebt. Vielen Dank für die Zeit.

Bei dir in der Seminarrunde, Seminarleitung habe ich viel Ehrlichkeit erlebt. Direkt aber sanft. Das ist für mich der Kern der Arbeit mit “The Work”. Eine schöne Erkenntnis, und Erkenntnis kann man nicht erlernen. Diese Erkenntnis habe ich bekommen, wie ein Geschenk. Ich freue mich und danke dir von Herzen.

Für mich war der Erstkontakt mit The Work eine Herzöffnung. Eine Verbindung vom Mind zum Herzen und wieder zurück! Danke!

Lava’s Klarheit und Menschlichkeit unterstützten mich sehr, bei mir in meinem Prozess zu sein und zu bleiben. Ich fahre mit einem geplatzten Knoten nach Hause, der recht gross und alt war. Dafür und für den guten Einstieg in The Work ein herzlichstes Danke!

Durch diesen Kurs habe ich gelernt, mich und andere besser zu verstehen.
Durch diesen Kurs kann ich mir und anderen liebevoll begegnen.
Durch diesen Kurs kann ich mir selbst und anderen vergeben.

Ich hätte nicht erwartet, dass in verhältnismässig kurzer Zeit ein so tiefer und liebevoller Zugang zu “grossen” Themen meines Lebens gelingt. Zu jeder Zeit fühlte ich mich sicher und liebevoll begleitet, ohne dass mir “meine Arbeit” abgenommen wurde. Herzlichen Dank dafür, Lava!

Wunderbare Kombination aus anderen Methoden (Tanzen, Malen, spielerischer Töne und Ausdruck). Gleichzeitig kann ich The Work mehr greifen, habe geübt, sie erlebt und fühle mich gut gerüstet, damit weiter zu arbeiten. Ich bin reich beschenkt. Danke.

inquiry with lava